How can something ugly, such as war, be regarded as an art; something synonymous with beauty?

In his treatise, Sun Tzu expands on the different aspects of war and gives insight on strategies to win them.

Tzu was a Chinese general that specialized in military tactics and strategic warfare. In his most renown writing, The Art of War, Tzu applies his philosophical background and warfare expertise to devise a compilation of tools that are the key to conquering many wars. The most captivating aspect about this text is that regardless of its age, it still stands as an extremely relevant book today.

The Art of War was used all over Asia for over a millennium however its passage into the western world only occurred within the last 200 years. The unique tactics covered in this book provides insight into the minds of the war militants who lived in the past. The chapters of the book do not follow the normal outline of present-day novels. Instead this book is structed into 13 different parts; each dedicated to a certain characteristic and tactic of war. For example, some parts may cover the different principles and mentality that the soldiers require; while other parts cover the ideal situation in which one must attack or defend.

The uncommon approach in presenting this information is what makes this book fascinating. Tzu’s deliberate decision to divide each aspect of war into its own chapter gives the book a similar feeling to an instruction manual. A manual which holds the key to winning many wars thus has been highly regarded and referenced throughout history.

This book is a real standout for those who enjoy reading about history or warfare. The Art of War takes you on a journey into the lives of military generals that lived many centuries ago. Tzu entices the reader with a multitude of tactics, risks and requirements for war and provides the reader with a greater insight on the struggle many conquerors faced. He doesn’t withhold any secrets making this book feel more organic and flow much more easily. Without the proper knowledge on war, small rulers could easily be conquered while large kingdoms could easily crumble. Tzu further grounds the book into the past by his use of diction. The jargon and sentence structures gives insight into how writers and philosophers communicated their knowledge in the past.

All in all, this historic book is a must read for anyone who enjoys learning about historical warfare. Its unique presentation of information provides a new and refreshing flavor on a non-fiction text. Its knowledge encapsulates the history and depth of war while its presentation provides a fun way of learning it.

The greatest charm of this book is that it is not restricted only to the battle field. In the macro perspective, many people are facing their own wars. Whether its with alcohol, procrastination, or their journey to top of a business chain; this book provides principles that will help many accomplish their goal and win their war. With such a classic waiting for you, why not win your war today?

By: Paul Mai