A final parting comment

While a sense of desperation might pervade our generation, I don’t believe that this is the same as saying that we’re hopeless. Hopelessness is when there isn’t an ounce of hope, and to me, our generation is far from falling into the black hole of desperation. While we might be faced with difficult times, others have continually surprised me with their drive and ambition to make a positive change. If we capitalize on such talents and make a concerted drive towards a brighter future, we will always retain a sense of hope.

For many, the times we live in are a source of despair. With the fast-acting nature of social media and constant exposure to everyday events, our generation’s ability to picture the potential hazards of the future and devastation of the present is unparalleled. However, our ability to really, truly understand what is happening today and what will happen tomorrow is both a blessing and a curse. 

How is it a curse? Well, our ability to recognize danger and the uncertainty of the future has taught us to expect the worst. It could be the degradation of democratic systems, the worsening condition of our global environment, or simply the difficulties we have faced growing up; these realities have negatively affected our perceptions and even our own well-being. 

So how is our ability to foresee the future and understand the present a blessing? It turns out that when you’re aware of issues, you’re more likely to tackle them. When we know what’s going on, we’re able to provide potential solutions and also have a better understanding of our place in this ever-changing world. So, although knowing the possible problems we face may be more stressful than being blissfully ignorant, we can’t be oblivious- it’s a luxury that we just can’t afford.

As a writer, editor, and law student, I personally find hope in the idea that youth and other members of our generation have repeatedly raised their voices to make their needs and demands known. Be it climate change, elections, mental health, or questions of diversity, students and youth have often banded together to support each other and represented a united front for our generation. Considering that many of us are either finishing school or embarking on our first steps into the workforce, we’re at a point in our lives where we’re beginning to take on increasingly large responsibilities as the “next generation” and we’re trying to come up with effective and novel solutions for the problems we face.

While it is certainly apt to say that we live in interesting times, a strong sense of optimism, alongside awareness, is also essential for a better future. When we resign ourselves to a sense of hopelessness, we’re essentially giving up. However, when we have a more positive outlook on life, we’re able to make the most out of the situation we’re in – as dark as it may be. 

Whether you’re just living your own life, searching for which career path you should take, or simply trying to make sense of the world, you should find solace in the fact that you’re not alone and that many others around you face the same challenges. Speak with others and learn from one another to contemplate new ways to overcome our combined challenges. If you feel privileged enough to spare the resources, either mentally, physically, or financially, seek out opportunities to help others. By helping one another, we can foster a common sense of optimism and strengthen one another by learning from each other. Every person contains a multitude of stories and lessons that are worth being conveyed.  

As a final parting comment, I will admit that our existence as a generation may be challenged by the circumstances of our upbringing. Whether you are a student or a young adult, there is certainly difficulty in navigating our course through the world. It is important that we recognize that the future will be difficult and that we will face tough problems. However, we must also realize that such difficulties should not render us devoid of hope. 

Time and time again, it’s hope that has brought us together as a society and as a community and compelled us to amplify our voices . It is through such shared experiences that we have learned that it’s possible to change the course of our shared future and make it brighter, rather than darker. 

This article is an “Editors have opinions too” feature, an online Opinions event that captures the voices and perspectives of our 2018-2019 Editing team. We asked our team: Does our generation not have much to look forward toIs the future as hopeless and bleak for our generation as they say it is? And they answered.
Read more about this featured event here: https://home.blnkpage.org/category/opinions/
Please note that opinions expressed are the author’s own. They do not necessarily reflect the views and values of The Blank Page.