Our editors have opinions too, you know

For the past year, our editing team has had the pleasure of editing and publishing the work of young writers from all around the world. As they wrap up their year with us here at The Blank Page, we wanted to give them the opportunity to “return to their roots”, by engaging in the very thing that brought them to our platform to begin with: their love for writing. 

Ofcourse, we wanted to do so in a way that was meaningful to them, and to other young people, and so we decided to get each of their perspectives on what we deemed a question that often plagues our generation. Specifically, we asked our editors Tim, Annalisse, Azizia, Drishti, and Morgan the following question:

Does our generation not have much to look forward to? Is the future as hopeless and bleak for our generation as they say it is?

And boy, did they answer. Over the next few days, we’ll be sharing each editor’s response to the above question, and trust us when we say that the unifying message between all of them is that there is always hope. So we hope you have enjoyed all that our editors have contributed to The Blank Page and we hope that their opinions resonate with you as much as they’ve resonated with us, the advisory team.

You can access all of our editors’ opinions pieces here, in our Opinions section.